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Cover Your Most Important Investment

There are eight different types of homeowners insurance, which mean there are a lot of choices and factors you must consider before making a purchase. Since buying a residence is one of your most important investments, let AIM help protect your new home for an affordable price.

HO-1: Basic Policy

family sitting on grass in front of house smiling at cameraThis is the most basic type of homeowner’s insurance; promising protection from theft, natural disasters, and damage from an outside party. It is important to note, however, that earthquakes and floods are usually not included in this policy.

HO-2: Basic Plus

An HO-2 covers everything protected by an HO-1, but also promises protection from more minor issues (I.e. the cracked structure of a home).

HO-3: The Most Common Policy

An HO-3 ensures protection against any incident included in the previous policies, while also including coverage for additional buildings on your residence, such as a greenhouse or garage. The only things an HO-3 does not cover are those situations which are specified by the insurer.

HO-4: Personal Belongings

Often referred to as renters insurance, an HO-4 only covers a person’s belongings. This is perfect for someone who is renting a house or apartment from someone since the landlord is the one paying for the structure’s insurance.

HO-5: Plus Other Incidents

An HO-5 form covers everything included in an HO-3, however also includes protection from all other incidents that are usually omitted from other policies, such as fungus or damage caused by animals. Keep in mind, however, that an HO-5 is significantly more expensive than an HO-3.

looking up at condo complex balconies with palm tree in foregroundHO-6: Condominium Owners

Often referred to as condominium insurance, an HO-6 is meant to protect the structure of a person’s condo. It does not cover anything else because it is expected that whatever homeowner’s association you are a part of will provide additional insurance.

HO-7: Mobile Homes

An HO-7 form covers the same incidents insured in an HO-3 policy, however, it is solely used to protect a person’s mobile home.

HO-8: Older Homes

The final type of homeowners insurance is an HO-8, which covers everything included in an HO-3 but is modified specifically for older houses.

Let us help you navigate which type of policy is right for your specific situation. We offer many options for each different type of homeowners insurance.

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“A great company in my opinion. I had a lot of questions… and Marilyn patiently answered everyone of my questions and made sure I had a very strong Insurance company and great coverages to protect me based on my needs.”

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“The staff has always been courteous and helpful when I have questions or just need things explained in a way the non-insurance person would understand. I highly recommend AIM for all your insurance needs.”

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“We are now saving almost $950.00 a year with AIM – All Insurance not just this year but in the years to come. We are happy that Evelyn was able to help us understand that companies are like people…different from each other.”

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